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4th Annual Boot Scootin’ Boogie
Ladies Cash Bonspiel – Navan Curling Club
February 24 to 26, 2023
Registration: Access Navan CC Website: https://navancurling.ca/ to download registration form
1. Electronic: Register Online + Submit Registration and payment
by e-transfer to: navanbootscootinboogie@gmail.com
2. Paper: Send Registration form and cheque, payable to Navan Curling Club, to:
Navan Curling Club
c/o Rachelle Francoeur
3505 Magladry Road
Navan ON K4B 1P8
COST: $ $380.00
CONTACT: Rachelle Francoeur or Gwen Reimer - gwendiannereimer@gmail.com or rachellebeaulieu25@gmail.co - Gwen Reimer @ 613-293-8829 or Rachelle Francoeur @ 613-883-1768
ROCK TYPE (for Youth Bonspiels only): NA