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RA Learn to Curl: Daytime

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Jour de semaine :

Durée :

$328 + tax

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October 16 to December 18

Wednesdays    9:00 – 11:00AM
October 16 to December 18, 2024

The RA Curling Club offers a popular 10-week instructional program.  Under the watchful guidance of our trained instructors, participants will learn the no-lift forward slide delivery, proper sweeping techniques, and basic strategy.  The daytime course also provides instruction for stick curlers.

Coordinator:   Leslie Behnia

RA Program Barcode: 284077

Fee: $328 (+Tax)

The next step for most graduates of the Learn-To-Curl program is to enroll in the Development Program, which runs January through April in the same weekly time slots, at an additional fee.  It is focused on game play and on-ice coaching, and is ideally suited to recent Learn-To-Curl graduates.

Yellow and green curling stone over  a large green V and the words OVCA

Nous reconnaissons que nous nous trouvons sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des peuples Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk et Oneida. Nous reconnaissons et honorons la présence durable des peuples autochtones sur ce territoire ainsi que les impacts de la colonisation. Ensemble, nous reconnaissons les vérités du passé et travaillons à un avenir commun de réconciliation et de guérison. Consultez les 94 appels à l'action .

© 2024 Ottawa Valley Curling Association. Tous droits réservés. | Politique de confidentialité

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