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Cornwall Curling Centre

Cornwall Curling Centre

220 Water Street East, Cornwall, ON, Canada

Informations sur l'établissement :

Année de création :

Nombre de feuilles :

Région OVCA :

Région CurlON :

Programmes offerts :





Adult Learn to Curl, Little Rocks, Junior Program

Accessible aux fauteuils roulants :

Entry, Ice Shed, Ice Surface, Lounge, Parking, Washroom

Upcoming Bonspiels:
No events to show right now. Try checking back later. 
Program Openings:
No openings to show right now. Try checking back later. 
Additional Accessibility Information:
Building Description
  • The Cornwall Curling Club is a three-storey building: basement, ground level and upper level. 

    • Ground Level: Entry and Ice Surface

    • Basement: Change room and Washrooms

    • Upper Level: Lounge and Bar

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  • There are two reserved spaces for accessible permit holders. 

  • The parking lot and entry are paved.

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Main Entrance
  • There is a small ramp into the entry. 

  • The main door can be opened with an automatic door operator. 

  • The lift is accessed from the main entry, but there is a secondary dooor before the lift that does not have an automatic door operator.

  • The lift door does not automatically open when called. It does automatically open once the rider reaches the destination. 

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  • The lounge is on the second floor and can be accessed via the lift. 

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  • There are wheelchair accessible washrooms in the basement but they are only accessed by going through the locker rooms. 

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Locker Rooms
  • The locker rooms are in the basement, which can be accessed via the lift. 

  • The layout of the locker rooms are not accessible. 

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Ice Surface
  • From the main entry, wheelchair users will proceed through a seondary door, past the lift and then into the ice shed. Both of these doors do not have an automatic door operator. 

  • The ice surface is accessible with a portable ramp. 

  • The ramp can be requested at the bar.

  • Cornwall has been applying for grants and funding from the City of Cornwall to help with making their facility more independently accessible for wheelchair users. 

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Accessible avec accommodements
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Non accessible
Yellow and green curling stone over  a large green V and the words OVCA

Nous reconnaissons que nous nous trouvons sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des peuples Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk et Oneida. Nous reconnaissons et honorons la présence durable des peuples autochtones sur ce territoire ainsi que les impacts de la colonisation. Ensemble, nous reconnaissons les vérités du passé et travaillons à un avenir commun de réconciliation et de guérison. Consultez les 94 appels à l'action .

© 2024 Ottawa Valley Curling Association. Tous droits réservés. | Politique de confidentialité

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