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Sturling - Scotch Doubles

Hey Mississippi Mills!  Are you a curler, or do you know a curler, who has had to retire because of limited mobility?  The ACC has a curling league for you!  On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, we’re offering a Sturling (Scotch Doubles) league. It’s a six-rock, six-end, no sweeping game where you won’t have to walk on the ice because the rocks move but you won’t. Depending on the number of curlers, it can be a two-, three- or four-person team.

Please note that this league is for curlers with reduced mobility who wouldn’t otherwise be able to curl, and that you should have curling experience.  Please also note that although you won’t have to walk on the ice, there are stairs to get to and from the ice surface.

On-line league registration starts September 4 at 6 p.m. at  For more information about the Sturling league please message us, or come to the in-person registration at the curling club on Saturday, September 21 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Yellow and green curling stone over  a large green V and the words OVCA

Nous reconnaissons que nous nous trouvons sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des peuples Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk et Oneida. Nous reconnaissons et honorons la présence durable des peuples autochtones sur ce territoire ainsi que les impacts de la colonisation. Ensemble, nous reconnaissons les vérités du passé et travaillons à un avenir commun de réconciliation et de guérison. Consultez les 94 appels à l'action .

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