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Annonces Jeunesse

Utilisez notre page d'annonces pour trouver une équipe, un joueur ou un entraîneur pour compléter votre équipe de rêve !

Looking for U18 team for the 2024-2025 season

U18, U21
Player looking for

Has been curling for 3 years recreationally starting with high school team and the Granite Curling Club but willing to move clubs. Wants to start this upcoming season on a competitive team. Would prefer a front end position but is willing to learn to play third/skip! Attending the Trillium curling camp in Waterloo this summer for skills development.

Jul 11, 2024

Looking for U18/U21 competitive team

U18, U21
Player looking for

Looking for a U18/21. Has been curling 6 in recreational and 1 year competitive. Looking to continue growth and development.

Jul 11, 2024

Looking for U18 Competitive Team

U15, U18
Player looking for

Has been playing curling for approx 7 years. Participated in many recreational bonspiels, but looking to take his game to the next level by joining a competitive team.

Jul 11, 2024

Skilled and looking for a U18 competitive team

U15, U18
Player looking for

Ayden has been curling for 7 years. He is an experienced player with a natural aptitude for the sport whose knowledge and skill level far exceed his age. Historically he has played in the Skip position, however, he would welcome the opportunity to play in any position with an older team.

Jul 11, 2024
Yellow and green curling stone over  a large green V and the words OVCA

Nous reconnaissons que nous nous trouvons sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé des peuples Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mohawk et Oneida. Nous reconnaissons et honorons la présence durable des peuples autochtones sur ce territoire ainsi que les impacts de la colonisation. Ensemble, nous reconnaissons les vérités du passé et travaillons à un avenir commun de réconciliation et de guérison. Consultez les 94 appels à l'action .

© 2024 Ottawa Valley Curling Association. Tous droits réservés. | Politique de confidentialité

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